Customer Testimonials

At Norland International, we strive to form long-lasting relationships with customers because your success is our success. We think we’re pretty great to work with, but don’t take our word for it. Check out some testimonials from our customers and judge for yourself.

Brenda Logan

Awesome people very pleasant to speak with. Great job opportunities with this company.

Caleb Cott

Norland has been extremely helpful in getting our equipment up and running. They have some of the most knowledgeable techs in the field and are always available for technical support and assistance. Very helpful and offer great equipment.

Orlando P.

The relationship with our salesman was great. He supplied us with information, and the tour of the plant where everything is manufactured cleared up any questions I had. The equipment prices were fair. The training at my plant by Norland techs was exceptional. They got along with everyone there and were patient as they taught us how to operate the machines confidently. Sam and Dennis were friendly and our staff in San Miguel liked them a lot. Our equipment has been great through 2020, and we have produced 26,000,000 bottles with the Triumph5000 and 1,000,000 gallons with the SpectraPak5000.

George Katsilometes

My experience with Norland and ABE has been very rewarding. This began when Darren Waters visited my part of the country and decided that I have natural mineral water suitable for bottling. He then was very helpful in purchasing the equipment through my lending institution. I would also like to commend in Andrew Gahagan and the other engineers at Norland. Everyone I’ve dealt with has been helpful and courteous. Seth was also very helpful when he came out to arrange our equipment in the proper order. I will most highly recommend your companies.

John Johnson

Our company works with Norland on many levels and our experiences have been nothing short of fantastic. They are always quick to respond and Johan and the rest of the staff are extremely friendly. The quality of the water is awesome and we are fortunate to work with them week in and week out!

Longford Water Co.

Norland has played a vital role in the operation of our bottling facility. From troubleshooting to helping with preventative maintenance to get the most out of our equipment, to the purchase of new equipment. Norland backs up their equipment with the best customer service in the industry! I would recommend Norland to any company large or small.

NOW Water

I purchased a water company that went bankrupt due to purchasing equipment that would not produce water and had no customer service. It was made in china. Not wanting to make the same mistake, I searched over a dozen companies and settled for Norland. There were a couple others that had the quality I was looking for, but when the dust settled Norland brought too much to the table. Being they bottle water; they have insights that other manufacturers just don’t have. They designed for me a fully automated system that allows for fewer employees. I have been very happy with their customer service.

World Of Water

My company (World of Water) has purchased over the past 25 years approximately 30 distillers, bottle washers and ozone equipment from Norland and most recently went down for a tour of the plant. A plus organization with amazing customer service, incredible people who take pride in their work and customers. Keep up the great work Norland and thank you for helping us grow our business!! Big extra thanks to Chris M, Matt F, Jay U and Bruce K for the recent tour and hospitality.

-Sammy Mittelstadt